
Showing 91–120 of 831 results

Jewellers Supplies

Showing 1 - 4 of 21 products in this Category

Jewellers supplies for the novice or more experienced jeweller. Diamond and Gemstone testers, 40x magnification loupes, Gold, Silver and Platinum testing kits, individual testing bottles, testing touchstones, digital scales, ring sizers, jewellery organiser boxes and more...


Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products in this Category

Lockets at Beloved Treasures Australia. Open to insert photos inside.

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products in this Category

Pearls are a gem of unsurpassed beauty and elegance. They are one of the humblest of life formed by the mollusc. Pearls come in a bewildering variety of shapes colours and sizes. Round pearls traditionally command the highest prices. It's worth remembering that wild natural pearls are rarely round. Possessing a whimsical charm entirely different to the perfectly shaped Pearls are the free-form Freshwater and Baroque pearls. They are handcrafted by a talented artisan who visualised and designed a non conventional rebellious flair to the pieces. She was selected to create jewellery for the Academy Awards USA September 2013.

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